Chat Now | 855-838-4611 | BBPOS AWC Walker C3X | Bluetooth | Card Reader | BBPOS AWC Walker C3X | Bluetooth | Card Reader

Availability: In stock

POSP Part ID: 140054

Portal Advantage: Not Available Buy: $135.00

Note: This device only works with the new 2.0 application and does not support the older version (Authorize.Net). This device supports EMV and swipe transactions processed through TSYS and First Data Nashville.

The Walker C3X is a compact, flexible yet powerful mPOS reader.



Supporting EMV, magnetic stripe and contactless payment types, the Walker C3X card reader is the latest mobile card reader on the market to support your customers and their business. The card reader features an antimicrobial additive to reduce viable virus particles and lasts the lifetime of the device. With Bluetooth connectivity, this user-friendly card reader can transform smartphones and tablets into a robust and secure mPOS solution.

Product Features:  

  • Compatible with iOS, Android, MS Windows, or Windows Phone 8

  • Bluetooth Connectivity

  • EMV| NFC| Chip + Sign | MSR Enabled

  • Micro USB-C Cable Included

  • Rechargeable battery

  • PCI-PTS and SCRP validated